Call Handling Services manage calls on behalf of your business answering them in a professional manner, to maintain your brand image.
Q. You may think you can juggle working and taking calls to start with, but how will you manage your calls when your business grows?
A. Well your options are – hire a receptionist at, say, £1400 a month, take a call handling service at £60 a month at just a fraction of the price or do nothing and potentially miss those vital calls and lose business!
Q. Have you ever called a company and felt the frustration of not being able to get through to them?
A. Yes, we all have. Now, think about how your customers would feel if you were too busy to answer the phone. They may feel unimportant and undervalued.

These issues, along with many others, can be solved by a call handling service.
1. If a business is not answering their calls, chances are, a new client will go elsewhere. At that rate, you may as well be recommending your competitors. An answering service allows customers to be spoken to each time they call – even if it’s to pass a message across.
2. Whether it be a new or existing customer, not being able to get through to a business can be a frustrating and unenjoyable experience, this can lead to bad feedback or reviews. Did you know 97% of people will research reviews on a local company before going ahead with their services? You may be working hard, and too busy to get to the phone, but if all the reviews say you’re too hard to get hold of, people won’t even try!
3. What if you spend all your time answering the phone when you could be concentrating on your core business? This can lose you just as much income as missing your calls. Time is money, and if you spend all your time on the phone, the job will not get done.
4. You don’t know how many significant calls you may miss whilst on the phone to sales people or time wasters. With a message relayed back in real time, you can choose the order in which you call people back, prioritizing the important ones!

Call Handling Services benefit everyone. Your customers hear a friendly voice every time, and you can carry on working and doing the best for your business and your customers!